What if your books aren't selling?

January 5, 2023
What if your books aren't selling?

Anytime you're not getting the sales you want, its one of two things:

  1. Books with low demand.
  2. Poor pricing.
  3. Not repricing.

Avoid low-demand books is easy. I recommend not buying a book with an average rank of worse than 500,000 to 800,000 (at the absolute worst).

So first question to ask yourself is: Are you only buying high-demand books?

Next is bad pricing. If your book isn't matched with the lowest FBA offer (or is not the lowest FBA offer), its the same as the book not being for sale at all.

It is often (very often) smart to price higher than the lowest FBA offer and wait for a sale, but keep in mind your book will (probably) not sell until it is the lowest price.

Next is repricing. If you're not getting sales, you're probably not repricing your inventory. You should reprice every day.

Pricing is by far the most common error people make.

The takeaway: Address both of these things, and it's really easy to both prevent and correct the issue of books not selling.


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