Sellers with bad feedback (or no feedback): Should you buy from them?

January 5, 2023
Is it dangerous to buy from a seller with a bad feedback score?

And what is a bad feedback score?

Most would agree a feedback score below 93% or 92% isn't that great. You'll see some sellers coasting along with 88% feedback scores (or worse).

First, look more closely at their recent feedback ratings. Since the percentage score is a 12 month score, read recent reviews and see what  recent customers are saying.

It's totally possible for sellers to fix their mistakes and the 12-month score may not tell the whole story. If the negative feedback is really old, they've probably corrected mistakes and its safe to buy from them.

What if they have recent negative feedback?

If there appears to be a recent pattern of unsatisfied customers, you'll have to make a call: Is the book an amazing deal? Maybe you'll want to take a chance. Is it only an extra 50 cents to buy from another seller? Maybe it's worthwhile insurance to spend a little more.

What about sellers with no feedback?

It's usually works out to give newer sellers the benefit of the doubt.

Newer sellers are especially great since they often underprice their products and offer great deals.

- Peter Valley

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