Maximizing profits post-purchase

January 5, 2023

So you found some great opportunities with big room for profit. You made your Zen purchases, shipped them in to Amazon, and you’re ready for the fun part: Getting paid.

Here are some basics to make sure you get the biggest profits from Zen Arbitrage:

Price high

If you lined up 10 different FBA sellers, you’d get 10 different opinions about how to price an item.

Our opinion? There seems to be no limit to how much more people will pay for an FBA offer than a regular third-party offer. (Especially with textbooks).

Many Amazon customers will pay 3x, 5x and even 20x more for FBA offers than normal third party offers.

Price bold for maximum profits.

For more in-depth pricing training, view our Pricing videos here.

Keep your prices competitive

If you use Zen Arbitrage to its full potential, you have money tied up in your inventory. To turn that inventory back into money, check your prices often.

Use your own personal pricing formula to keep your prices competitive. You don’t always need to be the lowest FBA price, but you may not want to drift too far down the listings.

View our repricing tutorials here.

Simple as that

Pay attention to these things, and enjoy more of the funnest part of all: Your Amazon payday.

- Filip & Team Zen

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