Do textbook inserts matter?

January 5, 2023

You'll notice a lot of textbooks listings warn they may not come with inserts, access cards, or other supplemental material. Should you care?

The short answer is "no." Textbook inserts simply don't matter that much, and you won't get in trouble for selling books without them.

Here are the top four reasons you you shouldn't be concerned about selling books without all the inserts:

  1. Amazon warns buyers at checkout to not expect access codes or other inserts (this alone should be enough to convince any Amazon seller this tactic is 100% legitimate).
  2. Common-sense textbook buyers do not (and should not) expect access cards to come with used textbooks.
  3. If an access code was important to a buyer, they would purchase a new copy.
  4. Setting all this aside, few Amazon buyers care about access codes anyway.

Takeaway: Access cards, CDs, and inserts don't really matter.

- Peter Valley

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