What if Amazon isn't approving your account?

January 5, 2023

It happens: You go to sign up for an Amazon account, and they don't approve you right away.

This situation is not unusual. A lot of sellers experience delays in getting their accounts approved.

One of two things happens when you sign up:

  1. Amazon approves you right away.
  2. Amazon asks you for some documents to confirm you identity.

If Amazon requests documents, how closely you follow their directions will determine if you experience delays - or if you get approved at all.

Why does Amazon reject applications?

The #1 thing as to why Amazon does not approve an account is that the address does not match on all the documents provided.

The #2 reason is that their instructions were not followed exactly. Amazon is extremely particular about details.

As an example, a big one is that Amazon requests you send every page of requested documents. This is not optional. If a page is missing, you will get rejected.

Amazon demands robot-like adherence to their rules

Keep in mind documents are reviewed essentially by human-robots who work off a checklist, and if any single thing is not 100% as requested, they will deny.

The takeaway: Read every letter of what they request, give them exactly what they want, and make sure every address matches.

That's the magic formula for getting approved to sell on Amazon.

- Peter

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