FBA offer column blank: What does it mean?

January 5, 2023
A lot of offers show as blank in the FBA column

You probably noticed this.

And you're probably tempted to think that means those books have no FBA offers.

While that would be great (the books with no competing FBA offers are the best books, after all), that isn't exactly the case.

When there is no number in the FBA column, it means one of two things:
  1. No FBA offer.
  2. No FBA offer in the 20 lowest-priced offers.
Wait, what does #2 mean?

We get our data directly from Amazon. And they have a limitation where they will not share FBA data (with any 3rd party software, not just us) when it is outside the 20 lowest-priced offers.

This is good news in disguise

This means the books showing no FBA offers tend to be the best books.


  1. Either they have no competing FBA offers at all.
  2. Or the FBA offer is priced so high, it's not in the bottom 20.

It's like the book is sending out a bat-signal that says "hey, investigate me more closely."

From there, you click over to Amazon to confirm the FBA price (if there even is one), and go from there...

- Peter Valley & Team Zen

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