Understanding the ISBN Marketplace

January 5, 2023
What is the Zen Arbitrage Marketplace?

One of the closest thing to “free money” we’ve seen on the internet.

Simply put: It’s our new platform for making money with Zen Arbitrage, without searching or buying a single book.

(This page has the text-based tutorial. There are articles & videos showing how all this works here.)

There are two ways to profit off the Marketplace.

1. Lead Liquidation

Good at searching, but don’t like waiting for books to sell?

The Zen Marketplace lets you turn your searches into money - without buying a book.

Simply list your profitable ISBNs for sale in the Marketplace, name your price, and your offer is live instantly.

When someone likes your offer, they click the “get access” button, pay you directly via PayPal, and you just made money without even buying a book.

2. Search Circumvention

Don’t want to do searches, and skip right to the fun part: Selling books and making money?

The Marketplace lets you bypass the search process, and pay other members for searches they’ve already done.

Get instant access to profitable ISBNs with one click (maybe two).

Head over to the Marketplace now to see what’s for sale (or start selling).

How it works as an ISBN seller
  1. Find a profitable book.
  2. Go to the Zen Marketplace.
  3. Enter the ISBN, lowest FBA price, the price you’re willing to sell it for, and your PayPal address.
  4. List it for sale.
  5. Sellers pay you directly for your ISBN.
  6. Repeat x1000.
How it works as an ISBN buyer
  1. Go to the Zen Marketplace.
  2. Search for profitable ISBNs by net profit, more.
  3. Pay the seller directly via PayPal (we make this easy).
  4. Get instant access to the ISBN.
  5. Buy the book on Amazon.
  6. Repeat x1000
  7. Skip searching for books on Zen altogether.

Monetize searches you’re doing anyway

The Zen Marketplace lets you turn searches you’ve already done into money.

We all know that the vast majority of offers you click over view on Amazon, you don’t end up buying.

They might not be appealing to you, but other Zen members might love them.

Every time you find a book you’re not buying, but think someone else might want, throw it up for sale. Listing an ISBN literally takes 10 seconds.

Still want to do searches, but wake up some days feeling lazy?

Head over to the Marketplace and shortcut to profit by purchasing other searchers ISBNs.

Bottom line: The Marketplace lets you get paid to search, and lets you pay others to do your searching for you. Win-win.

We built this because we realized there were two kinds of Zen Arbitrage members
  1. Those good at searching but hate waiting for sales.
  2. Those who are fine waiting for sales, but would prefer to skip searching.

Chances are, one of these describes you:

1. You’re a “seller.”

  • You'd prefer to skip doing searches on Zen Arbitrage.
  • Your strength is converting books into cash.
  • You don’t mind waiting for a sale.
  • But 10 minutes searching on Zen and you’re asleep.
  • You would be thrilled to focus 100% of your time on getting books to Amazon and getting paid - and skip searching altogether.
  • For you: Searching is just a regrettable distraction.

The Zen Arbitrage Marketplace solves your problem.

2. You’re a “searcher.” You don’t like waiting for a sale.

  • For you, searching is the easy part. Not getting a quick return on your investment drives you crazy.
  • You want to get paid NOW.
  • The lack of certainty that comes with waiting for your book, listing & shipping, and never knowing for certain what the selling price will eventually be causes you anxiety, and makes you insane.

The Zen Arbitrage Marketplace solves your problem.

Fact is, the needs of the Searcher and the Seller meet in perfect harmony.

Think about it…

  • If only the Seller could access all the ISBNs the Searchers passes on.
  • If only the Searcher could get paid to search, and never have to touch a book.

If only the Searcher and the Seller could get together, look over each other’s shoulders, and communicate, everyone’s needs would be met.

That’s why we launched the Zen Arbitrage Marketplace.


How is the “net profit” figure calculated?

It’s exactly what it says: We calculate all Amazon’s commissions (based on the lowest FBA price), price of the MF copy (+ postage), and the price you’re paying for the ISBN, and give you exactly how much you’ll put in your profit after the smoke clears (i.e. your true net profit).

What if I don’t get what I paid for (i.e. the lowest FBA figure doesn’t match, etc)?

We’re all friends here, and we haven’t found anyone guilty of any serious shenanigans.

However sometimes prices do change since the last time the listing was edited, or there is an inadvertent mistake. In that case, send a screenshot of the listing and the current price on Amazon showing the discrepancy to the seller, and they will provide a refund.

We’ve never had it happen, but if someone really needs a latte so badly they’ll con you out of a $5 ISBN, and they just won’t refund your money, contact us and we’ll “take care of it.”

One thing to consider: The longer the time since an item was updated, the greater the chance the lowest FBA offer has changed. So we let you sort by “last updated” - just click on the top of that column, and the most recently updated offers will come to the top. (By default, the most recently added offers are at the top, which is distinct from most recently updated).

What happens when I pay?

You get taken to a page within Zen Arbitrage displaying the ISBN and other relevant info, and you can purchase the book from Amazon right away.

What’s the catch?

None. No commissions, no cost, no strings. We just know people will stay with Zen Arbitrage forever if we provide a service that let’s people focus on their strengths (be it searching or selling), and ignore the rest. Or even better - make money off both.

Do you police what is listed in the Marketplace?

Not at all. Like any selling platform (think eBay), there are a lot of things you might think are overpriced, low value, or just plain bad.

Do your due diligence when browsing for ISBNs to purchase. We provide all the data you need to make a good buying decision.

If I sell an ISBN, how do I update it with the latest FBA offer?

We have built in an edit feature, and encourage all sellers to updates their listings regularly.

After one week with no edits, a listing is deleted automatically.

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