How to get support

January 5, 2023

Here it is: all the ways we have you covered for support, and all the ways you can get any questions answered.

  1. Text me. People always accuse me of making this up (saying it doesn't really go to my cell phone, or its answered by an assistant or something). But its real (put it to the test by texting me on our next Community Call and I'll hold the phone up to the camera).  Yes, you can actually text me anytime: 619.483.1382
  2. Email support. Obvious one here, but you can always hit reply to this email with questions. Or for an easier-to-remember one, reach out to
  3. Our live Community Calls. Get your questions answered live, on camera, from me personally. We do these at the end of every month, and announce them via Facebook and email (look for those announcements).
  4. Private Facebook group. Want an opinion from the Zen Arbitrage community? Reach out to the whole group in our private Facebook group.
  5. Chat box inside Zen. I can't promise someone will be online to answer 24-7, but we have a chat box in the lower-right corner of Zen for you to fire off questions (without having to login to your email account).  

And not to mention, virtually any question you could ever have is answered somewhere on our Resources page.

So there it is: If you ever have a question (no matter how small), we have you covered.

- Peter Valley & Team Zen

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