Repricing software: What you should know

January 5, 2023

Should your turn over your repricing to automated software? Myths vs facts.

Repricing is among the more time consuming parts of this business - and among the more profit-generating. What are the limitations of software that will do it for you?

Bottom line: Repricing software will destroy your profits.

The simple reason is that Amazon restricts all 3rd party software from accessing certain data. The most significant of which is restricting access to many FBA offers.

Amazon will not share any FBA offer with software that is not on the lowest 20 offers (in terms of price).

(This includes Zen Arbitrage, which is why you see many blank results in the FBA column.)

Because this entire business model depends on pricing higher as an FBA seller, it means repricing software is simply incapable of repricing much of your inventory.

This makes repricing software an absolute disaster for online book arbitrage. (To put it bluntly).

What about Amazon's repricer?

Amazon has a free repricer, that has one giant benefit over all the others: It will let you match the lowest FBA offer 100% of the time.

However, it won't let you price higher than the lowest FBA offer, which (if you're pricing intelligently) you will do much of the time.

(See the link to the February 2018 Community Call specifically dedicated to Amazon's repricer at the link below).


To prevent losing a lot of money, manually reprice. It's not the most fun activity, but it is the highest dollar-per-hour generating activity in your business.

Other resources:
February 2018 Community Call (below)
Repricing demonstration (link to Resources page)

- Peter Valley

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