Get paid to promote Zen Arbitrage

January 5, 2023

Zen Arbitrage offers an affiliate program, where you get paid to promote.

Here's how it works:

  1. Sign up (link below).
  2. Get a special link.
  3. Post the link anywhere (Facebook, blog, etc).
  4. You receive money for every person who clicks your link & subscribes.

We pay per referral, per month. Which can add up fast.

You can go here to submit a request:

All the info you need is there, including our current payment rates.

You'll be approved within the day.

- Peter

PS: What's the fastest way to start getting commissions? The best way we know of is to flip on your web cam, record an honest review / testimonial, upload to YouTube, and post your affiliate link below the video.

People searching for business opportunities online will find your video, click your link, and you'll get paid. Simple as that.

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